We operate by a few standards.


show your work!

Artists often get stuck in the trap of not being transparent enough when it comes to the process. That isn’t good enough for us. At BADD Audio, we want to keep everyone informed and inspired. We’re not going to be some black box that spits out finished projects — we’re going show what crazy, nerdy, and inventive things we are doing to make our art unique and forward thinking.

We find that this often motivates other artists and producers to really build on an idea to make something truly special!


when you have the opportunity to give — give!

We love what we do. We want to give everybody the opportunity to pursue what they enjoy, so when we see ambition and potential, we will nurture it without a second thought.

This is why our community thrives, because each one of us respects the skill and intelligence of everyone involved and understands the struggle of achieving our dreams!


if your competition is pop — be rock!

We’re so very tired of the over-produced and polished turds of superficial quality. A craft is blood, sweat, and tears! It is raw and dirty with depth to reaches of the Marianas Trench!

We created our company in response to those turds. We aren’t a teeny-bopper overworking the auto-tune. We’re a face-melting guitar solo crumbling mountains!